
Monday, July 23, 2012

Such a big weekend

This past weekend was a good one, but boy was it exhausting! So much going on. I can't wait until next weekend when things are more calmed down and hopefully we can just take it easy.

First things first, we saw the OB on Friday. I decided to take the day off work, so we brought Austyn with us to the OB. He was scared, since the last time he came with us was the day we got Wyatt's diagnosis, and he had to endure all that raw emotion from DJ and I. This appointment went far better than that one, and he got to be a typical 5 year old, bored out of his mind the entire time. He said "I liked last time better because Wyatt did flips". Haha. Anyway, Wyatt seems to be doing alright, but they are concerned about my amniotic fluid level. It is still in the normal range, but at the very low end. Having low amniotic fluid puts us at risk for pre-term labor, which is NOT something we need to have happen. My OB is hoping that it is just due to the heat and dehydration, and told me to drink tons of water, and take it easy whenever possible in hopes of the problem correcting itself. She said worst case scenario, if it doesn't get better, would be hospitalization. I am assuming that the middle of the road here would be bed rest. So, here I sit, with my water, chugging away. Let me tell you, being 7 months pregnant + trying to drink as much water as humanly possible = NO FUN! We go back to the OB in 2 weeks, so our fingers are crossed my fluid levels look better then.

Next, the baby shower. It turned out so stinkin' cute! Not everyone showed up, but we had a good turnout. We received a ton of gifts, and had a wonderful day! It was absolutely exhausting, for sure, but it was great to celebrate Wyatt with everyone. It was nice to think fun thoughts, buy cute things, have a good time. 

Now, it's back to reality. I was thinking yesterday that I was ready for the pregnancy to be over, so I didn't have to be paranoid all the time. And then I realized that after Wyatt is born, I will still be just as paranoid. It isn't going to end any time soon. And I've just got to come to terms with that because there isn't much I can do about it.

Monday, July 16, 2012


We have been some busy bee's here lately. And while being so busy is physically exhausting at 7 months pregnant, it is very welcomed. I do so much better with our diagnosis when I am busy, than I do when I am sitting and dwelling. 

Wyatt's baby shower is THIS Saturday! We are expecting about 50 guests, and are so so excited! My best friend, like always, has been a tremendous help in planning and preparing for this shower and I can't wait to see all of our ideas all put together :) Our theme: she's about too pop! And I think I am overly excited about all of the "pop" things we've got going on for the shower. POPcorn, POPtarts, Jalapeno POPpers, etc. =) There have been select moments where the planning and the prepping was overwhelming, and stressful, but now I am just plain excited for the shower. DJ and I both are excited not only to see everyone, but also to celebrate Wyatt, and celebrate his upcoming arrival. There are so many parts of preparing for his birth that are sad, and scary, and worrisome, and having this huge shower is something I think we definitely need to help us to focus on the bright side a bit.

DJ had a rough few days the other day. He was down in the dumps, and just wasn't doing well. It was a few of those days where HLHS just slapped him in the face, and reality followed suit. So, we went to Target, and we let Austyn pick out a new toy (because seeing our little boy so happy automatically makes us happy) and we picked out a few things for Wyatt. We bought a closet organizer, a few outfits, some baskets for his changing table, and a bassinet-like apparatus. This "retail therapy" of sorts really helped DJ, he likes seeing all of Wyatt's stuff starting to get put into his room. Side note: big thanks to our HLHS friend, Logan's mom, for posting on her blog about Logan doing better in his nap nanny, due to the incline. Not only did we add a nap nanny to our registry, but the bassinet-type thing we bought is also at an incline, which we now know may help Wyatt in the future. DJ's mom was also finishing a quilt that she had made while she was pregnant with DJ, and she had some stitching added, and added a color coordinated back, so that is now hanging on Wyatt's crib in his nursery. All of these tiny things really help us be excited, rather than sad and scared for October to come.

The rest of this week should be full of work, shower prep, and the doctor. We see our OB on Friday morning for our 28 week appointment. And then the shower is Saturday afternoon. I plan to blog again following these events. Our fingers are crossed that we will be able to post that Wyatt is continuing to fatten up in there, and we are excited to post photos from the shower. 

Until then, thank you to each of you who are reading this. We thank you, wholeheartedly, for your thoughts, prayers, and support. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Keeping it real

Lately, I feel like I have been going about my days, letting the reality of Wyatt's diagnosis fall to the wayside. I still think about it every single day. I still hurt about it every single day. But, I feel like I have just been letting myself pretend that it isn't real. The other day, I found myself suddenly thinking "oh sh&*, this is about to happen" as if I had never fathomed the idea before. It's astonishing to me how this diagnosis can just change in my brain like that. How I can be fine some days, in denial other days, and depressed the rest of the days. The information is all the same, nothing has changed, so how the heck is that possible?

About a week ago there was some issues at my work regarding the fact that I had Wyatt's flyer posted to my door. I had put a couple of flyers in our break room when they were first printed, and noticed about a week later that they were no longer in there. I assumed the cleaning people had thrown them away, and never replaced them because I figured everyone had seen them, and there was one on my office door if anyone was looking for the information. Turns out, that was not the case. I work with two people who have been diagnosed with, and are fighting cancer. And there is apparently a perception that the company is favoring me over them, because I had this flyer hanging up. The company has not done anything to help us, or the two cancer patients I work with. So I am not understanding where that came from. But, I was angry that I was being forced to take the flyer off of my door, which faces inward towards my office. I was angry for quite a few days, actually. But now, I have calmed down about it, and moved on. The flyer and ultrasound photos still sit in my office, they are just not posted up for people to see, only for me to see. And I have decided that aside from the couple of actual friends in my office, my co workers do not need to be informed about me, or Wyatt, or our situation. I don't want to, nor need to, deal with any "office drama" about the situation, especially since here in a couple of months, I won't really be around there.

Other than that, things have been really good for us. The baby shower is just about finished up, as far as planning goes, and I am so excited for it to finally be party day (two more weeks!). We had a good, albeit different, 4th of July with some of our favorite people, and enjoyed the extra day off. Austyn continues to have a wonderful summer full of fun activities, and we are trying to stay cool :). We see the OB again in 2 weeks, and I am excited to check on Wyatt again. I am starting to feel the yuck of the third trimester, so being able to check on him will help me realize I am just in the third trimester, and nothing additional is wrong. He has been moving and kicking like a champion in there, so I think he is doing well. 


We have about 13 weeks left in the pregnancy, and while the "being pregnant is no fun" part of me feels like that is a REALLY long time, the "life is about to get even more scary" part of me realizes that Wyatt's arrival is just around the corner. And while his diagnosis, and planned surgeries and hospital stays, etc. scare the living daylights out of me, I am still excited to meet my 2nd son and to hold and kiss him. He's going to be beautiful and perfect, just like Austyn was the day he was born.