First things first, we saw the OB on Friday. I decided to take the day off work, so we brought Austyn with us to the OB. He was scared, since the last time he came with us was the day we got Wyatt's diagnosis, and he had to endure all that raw emotion from DJ and I. This appointment went far better than that one, and he got to be a typical 5 year old, bored out of his mind the entire time. He said "I liked last time better because Wyatt did flips". Haha. Anyway, Wyatt seems to be doing alright, but they are concerned about my amniotic fluid level. It is still in the normal range, but at the very low end. Having low amniotic fluid puts us at risk for pre-term labor, which is NOT something we need to have happen. My OB is hoping that it is just due to the heat and dehydration, and told me to drink tons of water, and take it easy whenever possible in hopes of the problem correcting itself. She said worst case scenario, if it doesn't get better, would be hospitalization. I am assuming that the middle of the road here would be bed rest. So, here I sit, with my water, chugging away. Let me tell you, being 7 months pregnant + trying to drink as much water as humanly possible = NO FUN! We go back to the OB in 2 weeks, so our fingers are crossed my fluid levels look better then.
Next, the baby shower. It turned out so stinkin' cute! Not everyone showed up, but we had a good turnout. We received a ton of gifts, and had a wonderful day! It was absolutely exhausting, for sure, but it was great to celebrate Wyatt with everyone. It was nice to think fun thoughts, buy cute things, have a good time.
Now, it's back to reality. I was thinking yesterday that I was ready for the pregnancy to be over, so I didn't have to be paranoid all the time. And then I realized that after Wyatt is born, I will still be just as paranoid. It isn't going to end any time soon. And I've just got to come to terms with that because there isn't much I can do about it.