
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cardiology follow up- 2 months old

Yesterday I took Wyatt to his cardiologist for his first echo since he was discharged from the hospital. I was very nervous, to say the least. Thankfully, his heart still looks good. He has a small amount of narrowing in his aortic arch, but it isn't a concern at this point, and they're just going to watch it. His blood pressure is a little elevated, but he is on a decent dose of Enalapril, and they are just going to keep an eye on that as well. His cardiologist was super happy with Wyatt's weight gain (9.5 pounds now!) and said it made his day to see Wyatt doing so well. :) we go back for another echo on December 19th, and at that time we will schedule Wyatt's heart cath. That, we expect, will be an overnight stay in the hospital. And we are anticipating his Glenn in late January to mid February. The Glenn is a huge step in the right direction, but I am so scared to go back down the surgery road. To sign my baby over again. I am not looking forward to it. At all.

We are still trying to deal with all the incoming medical bills, making payment arrangements as we can, while keeping our other bills paid and providing some sort of Christmas for the boys. We are keeping Christmas small this year, as we need money for other things. I am glad we will all be together at home for Christmas, though. That's the greatest gift of all.

I've also been dealing with some very difficult things in my personal life here lately. Things I never imagined having to deal with, especially while trying to get through all of Wyatt's medical needs. It has been extremely painful and confusing, and I've just been trying my best to get everything sorted out, for the boys sake, and for mine. So those of you who are thinking good thoughts and praying for us, please pray I find the guidance I need, as well as the strength, to get through this unexpected nightmare.

Day to day life for Wyatt is going well. He's a pretty happy guy, smiling daily. He even took a bath this morning without screaming! Must have been my mommy touch! ;) I'm pretty well adjusted to life as a stay at home mom now, and enjoy it for the most part. It's a bummer that we never get to leave the house, aside from doctors appointments, but it's what we've got to do to protect Wyatt and help keep him healthy. Austyn is doing well, and seems to have adjusted to Wyatt being home. I hate that he will have to endure another surgery and hospital stay with us, but again, it's what we have to do. I'm thankful that he's a sweet, loving boy, and that he's so strong. DJ is back to work and back into the swing of things.

A huge thanks to all of you, for following Wyatt's story and supporting him! I am happy that I haven't had much to report here lately- no news is good news!

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