Well, my stress about affording HLHS has kicked in for sure. I just don't know what we are going to do. At this point, we have about $16k due out of pocket. Rough estimate, that $16k is due to about 15 different companies. That's 15 monthly payments. I have set up two payment plans thus far, and those two payments alone are $260 a month combined. There is no way we can pay 15 of those. I would say we are spending about $250 a month on current medical costs. That's for meds, co-pays, etc. So even if I only paid $50 a month towards these medical bills, that puts us at $1000 a month on medical costs. Let's also throw in there that I am no longer working, so our income has literally been cut in half. We were living within our means before, but didn't have much money left over, and do have debts of our own. So, in theory, our bills have gone up $1,000 a month(with the $50 payments idea) and our income has been cut in half. We have the money Wyatt received in donations, and use it to help cover his current medical costs, but it is no where near the amount owed in bills. I am not sure of it makes more sense to pay off any bills we can with it, or use it to make payments to keep things afloat longer.
Ultimately, we know that a bankruptcy is in our future. We just don't make the kind of money we need to pay these bills. But, without Medicaid, it's only going to get worse. We're facing another $10k in medical bills here in just a couple of months. I have NO idea how we will swing monthly payments once that has all kicked in too. Not to mention it costs quite a bit of money to hire a bankruptcy attorney, which we would also have to be saving up for, somehow.
Financially, this entire situation is a nightmare. I am the kind of person that always pays her bills, on time, no matter what. I've never been in a situation where I can't afford life. I am so grateful for the help we have received and are still receiving, but still don't know what the hell we are going to do.
Of course, Wyatt's life is worth all the money in the world to us, and in the end, that is what important. Unfortunately, these companies will not accept my love for Wyatt as payment.
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