
Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Glenn

Wyatt had his Glenn on February 13, 2013. Even though we've already handed him over for one open heart surgery, this one was not any easier. As I held him in his pre op room, I silently sobbed and told him he had to stay strong.

Our surgeon made a special request to the anesthesiologist for DJ to go back into the OR with Wyatt while they put him out. Usually, the rule is no parents in the OR until the kid is 1 or older. But because of our surgeon putting in the request for us, anesthesiology approved, so DJ was able to hold Wyatt's hands as they put him out, and then got one last kiss before leaving the OR.

Surgery went rather smoothly. A lot of times, dissecting the scar tissue around the heart that formed after the Norwood takes quite some time, and takes up the vast majority of the surgical time. Wyatt's scar tissue wasn't all that bad, and it didn't take long for them to dissect that tissue. Wyatt went onto bypass well, and they did not cross clamp this time (stop his heart) so he did better with this over all. He came off of bypass well also, and they were able to control bleeding much easier this time. They took Wyatt back at 8 am, and it was about 3:30 or so when we got to lay eyes on him in the PICU.

Thus far, post op has been good, but scary for us. Last night, immediately after surgery, Wyatt's O2 sats were 75%, and he was intubated. As the night wore on, his O2 sats kept dropping, and we couldn't get them to come up. We had him on 100% oxygen on the ventilator, and still he was only sating in the 60's. they took an X ray and an ultrasound and an echo, and found a large pocket of blood between his right lung and right chest wall. That fluid was preventing his lung from expanding all the way, which they suspected was causing the sat problems. So they inserted a chest tube into his right chest, and drained about 4 ounces of blood. He was immediately a whole new baby, with O2 sats in the 70's. They extubated him at 5 this morning (about 14 hours after surgery) and he has been doing well since.

The things that aren't going like I would like to see them (trust and believe I am no doctor- these are just the things that I am currently uncomfortable or unhappy about. Just because I don't like them does not mean they are abnormal or abad from his team's point of view):
*When Wyatt cries, he turns a nasty shade of purple. He has never had this problem until now. They tell us that will subside over time
*When he cries, he de-sats, big time. His last fit ended him up at about 30%O2 (his goal range is 75-90)
*He still has no interest in food. In good time, momma, in good time.
*He is in a lot of pain. Between his chest hurting like hell, so many IV's and that right side chest tube, I would hurt too. He is getting dilaudid every 4 hours, Tylenol every 4 hours, precedex continuously, and fentanyl as needed. Still. when he moves or coughs, he hurts.

I hate seeing him like this and I miss my laughing, smiling baby SO much it hurts. Typing that put me in tears. I wish I could do this all for him. I wish I could be the one that hurts. Tomorrow they are planning to remove some chest tubes and lines, which is going to be hell if he is still like this.

Fingers crossed day #3 goes better for him.

I will update more later on- Wyatt is throwing big fits every 45 minutes or so, which has me completely on edge, so when I am more calm and can provide more details, I will.

Until then, be well!

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