Boy- life sure does prevent me from blogging often enough. Sheesh! So...what has happened in the past month?!
Wyatt continues to recover from surgery. He definitely regressed after his Glenn- suffering from things ranging from stranger anxiety to no longer sleeping through the night. A couple of weeks ago, he went through this really "fun" stage where he just stopped sleeping, period. In a 24 hour period he slept less than 7 hours total. You bet your butt I was on the phone with doctors. I took him to his pediatrician, and called the cardiologist as well. The pediatrician could find absolutely nothing wrong, and the cardiologist had no ideas. We had started to wean his Prevacid, and in the end we think he was suffering from silent reflux, where his stomach didn't bother him enough to make him cranky, but it bothered him enough to keep him from sleeping. That was a fun few days- I was only getting like 3 hours sleep a night, and we were getting up at 2:30 am every day. Thankfully, we've gotten past that.
We saw cardiology today and everyone in the office was amazed with Wyatt and how big he's gotten and how good he looks. His echo looked really good, the only negative being that he still may have some narrowing near his aorta. We've seen this narrowing for months, but when he had his cath before his Glenn, they found that the velocity was equal, it was simply a visual narrowing. So at this point we are just keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't become a problem. His blood pressure was slightly elevated, so we increased his heart med just a little bit, and we will see cardiology again in 3 months. At 2 days shy of 6 months old, Wyatt weighs 17pounds,10ounces. He is just shy of 27 inches long. A beef cake for a heart baby :-)
We also got a puppy about a week ago, Stewie, a 3 month old miniature dachshund. He has been so much fun for Austyn, and DJ has loved having a dog in the house again. It has been fun for me as well, but also daunting. Potty training a puppy while caring for a 6 month old isn't exactly the easiest thing I've ever done. But, all things considered, I think things are going really well, and Stewie is a great addition to the family.
We also have the ball rolling full steam ahead on our bankruptcy, and we should be finished with the hardest part of that process here soon.
DJ is working on trying to get into a police academy that starts this summer. It is his dream to be a police officer, and he would make more money and have better benefits, so cross your fingers he gets in? It's a long shot- thousands apply and maybe 100 get in. Maybe. But, we can hope!
And, our cardiologists office and surgeons office have been working to put together a support group for Denver area heart parents. I talked with the NP from our practice about this about a month ago, and today I saw a flyer for the group. I've already contacted the people listed on the flyer and offered to help however I can. I am really excited to potentially help other families as they begin their journeys. Plus I think it will be a great outlet for me as well.
Other than those things, life has just been life. Austyn is on spring break, so it'll be nice to have him home this week, and I'm looking forward to a "Mommy's Day out" to go to the home opener Rockies game with my dad in a few weeks.
OH! That's the other thing- I left Wyatt with a babysitter for the FIRST time today. My mom stayed at our house with him, Austyn, and Stewie for about an hour while I ran an errand. I was nervous, just, well, because. He's my heart baby and he's never been with anyone but DJ or I. But, it went really well, and he snuggled up with Grandma and slept and was a good boy while I was gone. She will also watch him while I go to the baseball game, which will be a much longer timeframe. Slowly, but surely, I will widen Wyatt's bubble :)
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