
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday sweet boy

Around 11 last night I had a hellacious contraction that lasted 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, I laid back down in bed figuring if I was in labor I wouldn't be able to sleep. I woke up at midnight to another hellacious contraction and my water breaking. So I woke DJ up and told him I thought we needed to go to the hospital. We called my mom to come over since Austyn was sleeping, and we called my best friend to let her know, and we headed to the hospital.

It was around 12:30 when we left the house. We got to the hospital, got to labor and delivery, and eventually they checked my cervix. I was dilated to 8! So things got crazy. There were tons of nurses and doctors everywhere, and my contractions were closer and closer together.

We went to the OR, and I eventually got my spinal block. I had a contraction while they were putting it in, and cried out in pain. DJ heard me from outside the room and panicked. He knows I am good with pain so the fact that I was crying out was not good. DJ got to come back in, and it was operation time.

Wyatt was born at 2:13 am. He came out crying just like any other baby. DJ was able to cut his cord, and they brought him over to me so I could "hold" him and kiss him before he was taken to the NICU. He looked amazing, was crying normally, and was breathing on his own. In the NICU, he got his catheters inserted into his belly button, and started giving his prostaglandin. They administered vitamin K, checked his blood sugar, etc. They said his hips are a bit weak and they may put him in braces until his bones start to fuse. He is doing well, all things considered.

I am waiting for the feeling in my legs to come back from my spinal block, and it is currently shift change in the NICU. Shift change is over in about an hour and I should be able to go be with Wyatt then. DJ is doing well, he's very tired since we didn't sleep, but doin well.

We are so excited that our boy is here but we are so afraid of what is to come. We're here for you Wyatt, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sahra,
    I'm writing an article about your family and the tournament for Wyatt for the YourHub on the Denver Post. Could you please send me an email in case of questions/fact checks? Thank you,
